St Agnes school offers instruction by specialist teachers in the areas Art, Music, Dance, Chinese (Mandarin), Media Arts, Swimming, Motor Skills (Croc Gym) and Physical Education. In addition to these curriculum areas, students may engage in extra-curricular activities including choir, instrumental music lessons, band, guitar and ukulele clubs, chess club, netball, touch football, athletics, tennis and art classes.
Physical Education:

The school endeavours to maintain a balance between the teaching of physical skills and sports competition. Sport is a component of our Physical Education program.
A specialist Physical Education teacher takes students in Prep-6 for a weekly lesson. During these lessons, the students engage in movement and physical activity linked directly to the Australian Curriculum.
Class swimming lessons are conducted in Terms 1 and 4 for students in Year 1 – 6, and are held off site at Hibiscus Recreation Complex These classes are run by trained instructors with a focus also on water sense, water safety and rescue.
Children also participate in a specialist dance program for one term each year.
©Brisbane Catholic Education, St Agnes School (2023)
LOTE: Chinese (Mandarin)
Children in Years 2 -6 attend lessons in Chinese (Mandarin). This program aims to develop each child's ability to communicate in Mandarin, as well as an appreciation and respect for Chinese culture. The focus of LOTE is cultural literacy through language.
Visual Art:
Children in Prep- Year 6 attend Visual Art classes with a specialist art teacher. Visual Arts provides students with opportunities to explore diverse forms of art and craft in both two and three dimensional forms. Students experiment with a variety of mediums and techniques including drawing, painting, pottery, textiles, printmaking and mixed media.
Learning in the Visual Arts supports and continues to expand learning in other curriculum areas. This enables students to develop an understanding of their own and an appreciation of other traditions, histories and cultures. Students have opportunities to investigate and make meaning of their artwork, their peers and to learn about artists from different eras and cultures including the art of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups as well as the art traditions in the Asian region
©Brisbane Catholic Education, St Agnes School (2023)
All students at St Agnes enjoy class music lessons with a specialist teacher through the year. Preps to Year 2's enjoy music games, singing, playing classroom percussion instruments, movement and appreciation of a variety of musical styles. Years 4 – 6 learn to play the recorder, move, dance and respond to a variety of music from different countries, historical eras and styles including jazz and rock and roll. Singing and playing of classroom tuned and untuned percussion instruments enable the students to explore composition, expression and presentation of musical themes.
The St. Agnes school choir is involved in the Western Suburbs Choral Festival each year where ten Catholic primary schools join their choirs together to form a massed choir concluding in a wonderful concert in Term 3. The choir leads the school at masses, liturgies, our annual Christmas carols, the Fete and community concerts.